There is no shortage of RSGYC expertise in Sutton on Dublin Bay this weekend when the Helmsmans Championships, formerly the ‘Champion of Champions’ and ‘All Ireland’ Sailing Championships now to be known as the ‘Champions’ Cup’ gets underway in the two-man GP 14 dinghy.

The event sees sixteen competitors from different classes compete to find sailing’s “champion of champions”. Despite coming from a wide range of one design classes, the competitors race against each other in a selected boat type that will see the GP14 in action this year.

RSGYC’s GP14 ace Ger Owens will look to retain his title, won at Crosshaven last year. Also looking to take the title is our SB20 ace Michael O’ Connor, our Water Wag ace John O’ Driscoll and our Team Racing ace Niamh Henry.
The RSGYC is very proud to have such representation in this Championship of Championships and wish one and all the very best of luck.

Racing will consist of two “flights” or heats. The top three from each flight go straight into the final. The remaining competitors who placed 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th compete in a 2-race qualifier or “repêchage”, and the top two also enter the Final. The final race on Sunday, therefore, has eight teams competing.
Each of the 16 competitors (below) has been nominated as a result of their achievements and rankings for the year.
The full list of competitors are:

The 75th Champions’ Cup will be hosted by Sutton Dinghy Club this weekend, October 8th & 9th, but doubts are already expressed over Sunday’s schedule due to weather.
Thank you to Afloat.ie