2 v 2 in RSGYC J80s
Saturday 29th March 2025 (with a reserve day of Sunday 30th March 2025)
- No team racing experience required – this is a clinic designed to give you :
- a taste of team racing
- a better understanding of the racing rules of sailing
- learn and practice on the water team racing team strategies including mark traps, boat on boat manoeuvres, tactics, standard plays, umpire call book and improve boat handling
- Minimum of 3 crew per boat with potential of 5 crew per boat
- Teams of 2 boats – 6-10 crew
- Teams formed with individual members – no requirement to enter as a team. RSGYC will put together teams
- Teams encouraged from classes – ILCA’s, Dragons, SB20s, Cruisers, Melges 15, J80s
- 2 v 2 format – last boat loses
- Meet in Junior clubroom at 9.30 for one hour briefing and coaching
- Launch at 11.00 with first race at 11.15 (likely in the harbour depending on conditions)
- No spinnakers, 1 meter rule between boats
- 2 on the water jury boats with coaches providing instant decisions and instruction
- Digital N course as used in Team Racing events
- Swapping in and out of boats at the end of each race
- Races of 8-10 minute duration
- Plan to have as many races as possible with each team getting a minimum of 5 races
- This will consolidate your knowledge and understanding of the rules which will benefit you in fleet racing
- Full de-brief analysis with video afterwards with coaches and jurys.
- Cost for day to be shared amongst participants – expected circa €75 max per sailor
- Send your interest to the sailing office asap so we can plan and allocate teams and resources – sailing@rsgyc.ie